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Friday, May 24, 2013


After many, many (many!) requests our range is now available in travel sizes.

These cute little babies are 50ml and are ideal in more than a few ways...
$12 each or 3 for $30
- Ideal for the overnight/travel bag

- They are a fabulous way to try a new product

- Extremely affordable gift idea

- Great for new mum's during hospital stays
Email info@organickma.com.au  with your order today.
To see the full range of Organic Kama's accredited Vegan & Cruelty Free skin care please visit our Website. (http://www.organickama.com.au).

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Spring Clean your Skin

Yes, that's right... Spring is just around the corner! Can you believe it? Very soon it will be time to shed some layers (like the scarf, gloves and jumpers for some of you) and the same may be done with your skin.

Our recommendation - Exfoliate and Moisturise to gain that clear, healthy, glowing look. Well, that and lets not forget the vital ingredient in your diet... lots of water! (my personal favourite is adding a wedge of fresh organic lemon).

Kama Saucha - a powerhouse scrub, is gentle, effective and PACKED full of goodness. Fruit extracts deliver beneficial vitamins to revitalise and refine your complexion providing a smoother skin tone while the inclusion of Rosella flowers (abundant in antioxidants) diminish the appearance of wrinkles and revive tired skin. PLUS Organic Shea butter to further moisturise... well seriously you can't go wrong! Ground walnut shells are the ideal natural ingredient to exfoliate, firm, refine and remove impurities and dead skin, leaving a fresher, younger appearance. Whoa, one might take a breath after all that! It must be added that Saucha is also beneficial to dry hands.

Okay, now that dead skin and impurities have been removed, lets moisturise. Kama Chandra is rich with only a pea size amount required (particularly after the scrub offers moisturising elements) and our lighter alternative is Kama Maha. Both beautiful and beneficial moisturisers in their own right. Chandra draws on the benefits of Patchouli and Grapefruit with Grapeseed, Rosehip and Organic Shea to deeply nourish and treat your skin. Maha is formulated withYlang Ylang and Frankincense combined with Coconut, Cucumber & Lavender to balance & revitalise.

Kama Saucha - 100mls $22.95 Kama Maha/Chandra - 100mls $22.95

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Reaching Nirvana with Essential Oils

Essential oils have been renowned for their powerful properties and benefits to human healing for thousands of years as made evident by the discovery of distillation pots which have been found at Tepe Gawra used by the Mesopotamians dating back to 3500BC.
Egyptians used essential oils in their embalming process, while in China herbs and aromatic plants were and still are used.  In India essential oils are an integral part of their Ayurvedic medicinal system. The list of cultures and benefits extends over decades and it stands to reason that one can not deny the power of alternative treatments.
Embracing this knowledge, we have created a natural healing balm which is effective and absolutely exquisite!
To reach Nirvana we have a balm enriched with Peppermint for it’s cooling properties, Ginger to assist poor circulation, and Black pepper as it is known to relieve aches and pains. To further increase the benefits of this outstanding product, we have also added Arnica as it is reputed as being an anti-inflammatory, pain reliever and a local antibiotic. Clove buds aid bruising and arthritis so this is included and while used in a cream, Clary sage oil is beneficial for pain and stiffness so another remarkable ingredient which can be found in this powerhouse balm.
The end result is a 100% divine natural muscle balm with a scintillating scent to relieve body aches and pains, stiffness, and is perfect for tired muscles after sport or at the end of a long day.
About: Easily absorbed and non-greasy Nirvana Kama is an effective and exquisite natural way to gain relief from body aches and tired muscles. To apply simply massage balm until absorbed to areas of body aches and pains. Not suitable during pregnancy.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Word on Rosehip Oil

The benefits of Rosehip Oil are extensive.

Derived from a special hip-bearing rose, the oil from the hip (the seed which remains after the petals have fallen off) is extracted and compressed. The end result is an oil packed with amazing benefits for skin and body. Rosehip Oil is made up of 80% fatty acids which are vital in repairing skin tissue and regenerating skin cells. Vitamin A assists skin which is dehydrated and sun damaged, as well as balancing uneven skin tone and wrinkles. Vitamin C is an antioxidant protecting skin from free radical damage and also plays a role in the formation of collagen. Lycopene & Beta-carotene are both antioxidants also protecting skin from free radical damage reducing signs of premature ageing. Beta-carotene is a source of pro vitamin A which, as explained above, restores sun damaged skin. Linoleic acid is vital for the structure of cell membranes and aids in preserving your cell's natural barrier to the environment. Linoleic acid is an Omega 3 fatty acid helping to soften and moisturise skin. Oleic acid is an Omega 9 fatty acid providing supple, moist and a generally improved skin condition. Rosehip Oil is suitable for all skin types – even oily complexions as it will rehydrate dry and damaged areas without adding too much moisture to oily areas.

A truly magical ingredient from Mother Earth

It has shown to improve: Scarring - from acne, psoriasis, chicken pox, burns, Stretchmarks Sun Damage Pigmentation and skin tone Dry skin Fine lines/wrinkles and premature ageing As Rosehip Oil is best used daily to promote these improvements, Organic Kama has included Grapeseed Oil to our Rosehip Serum in order to develop a long lasting product. Grapeseed Oil carries many benefits making Kama Nidra Rosehip Serum a powerhouse product for all complexions and conditions. http://www.organickama.com.au/Range

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Natural Skin Care

If you feel you may have over done the celebrating during the Christmas/New Year period then perhaps it is time to pamper yourself and give some good Karma back to your skin and body.

The Organic Kama regimes offer savings on product packs and a fabulous combinations for all skin types.

Organic Kama Enlightenment is great value with three amazing products designed to unleash the goddess within you!

Kama Agami Foaming Facial Cleanser, Kama Devi Rosewater Toner and Kama Chandra Facial Moisturiser.

A great way to clean away all those impurities and pollutants, restore the pH balance, rehydrate and restore suppleness to your complexion.